Friday, June 28, 2013

Pathfinder Day 8: Run through the Eryiu Forest

After learning the whereabouts of the curse affecting Kaliara, the party ventured east to the Temple of the Whispering Spider. They had to pass through the Eryiu Forest.

 Erynor created antitoxins and vermin repellent to help with the spiders and other vermin they would encounter. At the entrance to the forest they met an old forest spirit name Fukujin, a tiny old man with a branch growing out of his head. He asked for a donation to the two kami statues he protected, the shikigami who in turn protected the forest from evil spirits. They group paid 60 gold to the pair for good luck.

They encountered a tiger that didn't attack them. After crossing a river, a group of treacherous bandits assaulted Varis and took him down unsummoning Jergling. When they had recovered from the attack, a Forest Drake descended upon them drawn in by their repellent.

Deeper in the forest they met a group of Vanara, monkey people sworn to seal the Temple of the Whispering Spider. Not wanting to fight against good aligned creatures, the party decided to run through. Erynor threw flash powder to try to blind the defenders. Kech archers fired at them from the treetops.

Inside the temple, Rook triggered an acid arrow trap but managed to dodge it. They fought a shadow creature called a Shae, a female made of darkness and cold. Jergling and Rook managed to flank her and pierce through her shadowy protection.

Finally, the party encountered a Yuki-Onna, a snow maiden. Ignorant of the legends of such a creature, Rook entered her snowstorm to try to converse with her. The spirit managed to take down Rook and Erynor before the alchemist's explosive bomb and Varis' attacks defeated her.

(Lesser) Yuki Onna
Vanara x4
Kech x2
Treacherous Bandit x3
Forest Drake

Potion of Bull's Strength
Everlasting Torch
Masterwork Blowgun and Darts
assortment of mundane things

Acid Arrow Trap

Shikigami Kami x2

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