Friday, July 12, 2013

Pathfinder: Temple of the Whispering Spider, Part 2

The party continued their exploration of the Temple of the Whispering Spider. During the day, Varis experimented with his new magic including creating pits, enlarging Rook and casting haste.

Varis created a pit using magic against a Shae. Erynor threw a bomb down at the female shadow.

Erynor was attacked by a phase spider while examining a treasure chest. He managed to dodge its bite. They also encountered an Ogre Spider, but with Rook growing giant from Varis' magic, and Jergling's support.

Checking the last room in the first floor, they found an Aghash that screamed at them. It seemed to be very strong against the players' attacks but couldn't deal enough damage back to pose a threat.

They slept but Rook and Erynor were awakened by a knock at the door. They decided not to investigate. In the morning, Rook walked into a web, and the party was attacked by an Aranea.

Phase Spider
Ogre Spider

Miscellaneous Stuff
Wand of Bull's Strength
Scroll of Shillelagh

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