Friday, June 7, 2013

Pathfinder, Day 6: Plains of Tian Xia


Leaving the cave, the party encountered the outside space between Goka and Quain.
Axe Beak
One field they dealt with a cockatrice, finishing it off with a quick hail of ranged attacks. Large birds attracted Rook N. Spiegels’ attention, causing him to desire one as a mount. He managed to rope one of the beasts but as he tied it to a tree, a group of Tengu ninja assaulted him. A battle ensued dealing with a burnt axe beak because of Erynor Blightfeldand dead ninjas.
Kaliara transformed when divine light illuminated her. She became a younger version, revealing herself as a Kitsune.
A Kamadan, jaguar snake abomination struck when the party tried to avoid a rhinoceros. Finally, after refusing to pay a group of hobgoblins on the street, after Rook slew one, Kaliara protected Varis, who tried to daze the goblinoids, and Erynor. Jergling managed to hold off a group of the highway bandits, while Rook fell to a disabled state.

Kaliara V2
By Urusai-Baka
Axe Beak
Hobgoblins x 9


Notable Treasures:
Wand of Bless

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