Friday, June 21, 2013

Pathfinder, Day 7: The Dragon Temple

The party encountered a dilapidated shack in the middle of the woods. They attacked a pair of poachers who had just hauled in a treasure chest. After defeating the poachers, Erynor tried to open the chest but it turned out to be a mimic.

They followed the path further south and found the Dragon Temple of Quain, where many aspirants and other travelers go to participate in battle training and martial arts. After having a sparring match with a few warriors, the party was admitted stay and allowed quarters for as long as they required.

In the battle, Kaliara used all of her healing abilities and was stricken with an unknown malady. This sickness kept her unconscious. The healers of the temple worked on divining where the source came from. Varis and Erynor spent time visiting the vendors around the Dragon Temple, while Rook set up shop and sold the party's unneeded supplies.

Notable NPCS:
Oum Sarit, Master of the Dragon Temple

Poachers x2
Wild Lancer
Axe Warrior
Cruel Devotee

Black and Red Hilt Heron-marked Katana (Katana +1)
Scroll of Glitterdust

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