Thursday, February 23, 2012

D&D Day 6: The Crumbling Temple

Dungeons and Dragons, Day 6
The Temple of the Forgotten Primordial

As the temple began to break down, the adventurers planned their escape.  They were interrupted by the arrival of a massive elemental emanating chaotic power.  After defeating the elemental, they escaped from the temple using their survival skills.

Outside the temple the party encountered the Amethyst Sea, a group of rebel fighters who seek to save their people from slavery, who told them to relinquish their weapons.  Nearly coming to blows, the group reluctantly surrendered and were led to their base for primordial magic decontamination.  They separated for a month while waiting for news of a portal that could take them back home.

Torion and Hadarai went to the Pillars of Creation, where they became invigorated and found new strength, and fought a shardstorm vortex.  Vanielle helped the Amethyst Sea, went to a sewer in Gloamnull, City of Rain, and fought a baby aboleth.  Thorry the Reckless and Firajal fought a volcanic dragon while patrolling Pyreburg.
Thorry found no sign of Konthane while visiting Pyreburg.

With the month ended the party reconvened at the Amethyst Sea's Fort Earthenrock, Sapphaen the leader of the hidden base told them the location of a portal back to their home realm.

In front of the sunken tower they met a strange but friendly beholder.

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