Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pathfinder: Goka, Day 2

Lord Peridus

After climbing the tower, the party defeated Tasskar, trogolodyte leader.

Balenar Forsend offered them passage across the ocean and board in any Pathfinder Society chapter house, especially the one in Goka in Tian Xia.

Reaching these foreign shores, the party found another massive city. The Chapter House was bare and dilapidated, with a grumpy old dwarf as its steward. They encountered racism based on their western roots, and tried to find work in a tavern. They heard a scream and noticed that Shalash was missing. Outside of the tavern, they found the Cavalier protecting the Oracle Kaliara against members of the Iomedae Faction.

Lord Peridus, Iomedae Faction leader, appeared and threw Shalash against a wall. The party ran with Kaliara in tow, down into the sewers.

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