Landing at the port town of Bal Ma, the heroes docked their ship and checked out the weapon and armor smiths, almost attempting to steal from them.
When they returned to Lanming, they went to the Pathfinder Society chapter house, were rewarded by Dorune, and slept. The next day, the dwarf paladin gave them a scroll quest from the mayor of Bal Ma. It asked for help concerning the cult of Rubicante, a Malebranche, or lesser king of Hell. They spent time preparing for their next adventure, buying and selling things at a halfing trader's shop and making potions.
Heading south, they encountered an encampment of cultists and spoke with their leader, Aleksion Coric. The party was affected by countless debilitation spells and thrown into the hellish dungeon, separated by the magic of the cleric of Rubicante.
In the dungeon, Rubicante's Maze, the party each met Pialoosa Tealeaf, Pirate Captain, who was split into three equal forms. Together with the pirate, they separately navigated the dungeon, fighting its devilish denizens and trying to avoid the many traps set in its hot walls.
Hell Hound
Aleksion Coric
Death Priest