After speaking with Porosen, the elderly turtle, they went into the water and were dragged into the depths. They woke up on a pirate ship, defeated the crew, who was going to sell them as slaves.
Searching the ship, they discovered some valuables and tried to enter the lower deck. However, with poor climbing both Jergling and Rook fell into the waters. Varis threw the anchor to stop the ship.
Two dragons appeared, blue imperial sea dragons, who assumed the group were pirates
Unable to prove their innocence, the dragons attacked using their breath weapons of water and flame as well as a flurry of strikes. Erynor, while proving inadequate with diplomacy, kept the dragons staggered with his frost bombs.

young Imperial Sea Dragons
Heavy repeating crossbow
Unidentified Heavy repeating crossbow
Luck Blade (no wishes)
assorted colored gems
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