Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pathfinder: Goka, Undercity Day 3


The party descended into the sewers to run away from Lord Peridus, leader of the Iomedae faction in Tian Xia. After defeating a pair of festrogs, they negotiated with groups of ratfolk and catfolk. They had nearly passed through, deciding to go along the catfolk’s territory, but Varis didn’t want to pay the toll. The catfolk attacked and the ratfolk joined in, trying to take advantage of the situation and superior numbers.
Deeper in the sewer, they encountered a cerebric fungus, a plant creature that was dispatched easily. They also dealt with a pack of flumphs and a foo dog, both groups trying to determine whether the party was evil or not, as the errant creatures were good aligned. They managed to convince the foo dog, however the flumphs were convinced that Varis bad dreams meant he was an evil creature.


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