Tuesday, January 24, 2012

D&D Day 1: Start of the Adventure

Day 1

On the road to the Temple of Avandra, the party members awake to find their guide and companion, the traveling trader Tomasz, giving them their quest.  Bandits have been stealing from the elven village of Duskhome, and the elder has asked for two groups of adventurers to stop the thievery.  The temple, long abandoned by travelers, has become a hideout for the bandits, and has been redesigned with traps and other dangers.

After fighting off a majority of the bandits, they travel deeper into the temple's sanctum and find an Eladrin bladesinger named Zarranath.  While he isn't a part of the bandits, he helps them due to some unknown debt and attacks the party.  Torion, the Minotaur Weaponmaster, unleashes his fury and defeats the bladesinger.  In a small room the party finds a cache of treasure chests which turn out to be Mimics.  The party meets the leaders of the bandits, two halfling twin rogues named Merin and Ferin.  The twins escape but leave behind a magical ruby shard.

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